Twisted Summer Sale Info:
The rules, requirements, and info above still apply for summer sale events with the following notable exceptions!
Summer is a themed event:
You must make at least two items of equal value to your average merchandise.
Your items must be NEW, and must be in theme somehow!.
Wait this time we have to be in theme? Yes, this time there are no price requirements, though some kind of discount at the sale is often a good sales technique! There is no fee to join in and take part but we do ask you to find some way to fit the theme. Our themes are often able to be taken in many ways so this should not be too hard if you are stuck feel free to chat with a member of the team and ask for help finding a way to fit your items into the theme.
Wait What's the Catch?
None, really there is none, Our merchants are amazingly generous all year long, and even for our holiday sale, we ask them to be generous and give potentially huge discounts for items. So This added summer event is Rox's way of saying look we know we ask a lot of you but we also want to help you make money not just ask you to give all the time!
So yes, there will be a mini hunt, but you are not required to take part in it. It is optional, we will ask that those who do let us know if they hide a cube or how many if they hide more than one, so that we can give hunters a number for how many to find. That said there are no hints, and they can be hidden anywhere in the event area not just in your booth!