Guidelines for Prizes
In the past, we’ve been reluctant to be specific about the kind of prizes we expect merchants to provide for the hunt. We shared in the attitude that because the prize did not come with a direct linden cost, it should be entirely at the merchant’s discretion. But let’s face it:
A hunt is only as good as the quality of its prizes.
As organizers, we must act in the best interest of the hunt, the hunters, and the merchants who work very hard to make the Twisted Hunt the awesome and popular event that it is. A merchant who just throws a pair of pants or a logo t-shirt in the prize box diminishes the event for all involved. So, we’ve decided to be clearer about the quality of the prize we expect.
Your Twisted prize must be:
No one wants to spend half an hour hunting for something they already bought from you.
Of comparable value to the items in your store.
We don’t expect you to give away the farm – but if you have a store full of fantastic outfits, don’t plan on giving a pair of sunglasses as a gift.
Representative of your body of work.
If you have a shoe store, your prize should be footwear — not a gazebo.
Your prize does not, however, have to conform to the color or even the theme of the hunt.
It’s nice if it does, but it’s not a requirement. We just think it’s fun to have themes. If you think it’s fun too – feel free to make your hunt gift-themed. Or to make the extra fun at your location (if you’re having some) work with the theme. Or whatever. But if it doesn’t work for you, then don’t feel like you have to. Ultimately, your gift will still be Twisted – and that’s all the theme it needs. =)
Little Extras
Many of the merchants make ‘little extra gifts’ — and just to be clear, we want to say that these DO NOT have to adhere to the criteria above. If you want to make a cool pair of sunglasses or a gazebo in addition to your ‘main’ prize, that’s just fine. We won’t hold you to every prize you stuff in a Twisted box being as significant as your primary prize.
A Tip for the First Timers
Some of the hunt merchants only make one gift (or, they make one for guys and one for girls if they’re really cool). Many of the merchants make multiple gifts, however – and every time, some of the new (to the hunt) merchants wish someone had told them sooner. So we’re telling you. :)