We will maintain mostly the same basic criteria for the sale events that we have for the hunts, with a few notable exceptions where a requirement is not necessary for these types of sale events.
Have a store with at least 25 unique items. (A single outfit or other item in 10 colors will count as 1 item, not 10, however, for example, a mesh shirt done in a way that makes it uniquely different will be counted in its unique variations separately!) The same holds for all types of items not just clothing. These items need to be reasonably up to current standards on the grid. We appreciate those who have returned and have stores full of old items they want to jump back in with, however, if your store is filled with items that were high-end in 2006 it's unlikely that they are still up to the standards of the grid today. This is not us trying to be snobs, it's us maintaining the quality of the hunts and sale events.
NOTE: Only for sale events, a marketplace link can be provided instead of the slurl if you do not have an inworld store.
Are not primarily resellers of other people’s stuff or breedables. We make an exception when the merchant selling breedables is the actual creator of those breedables provided they are willing to do an item that can be bought that fits the requirements for the sale item.
Note: a few affiliate vendors or some reselling of gacha items or breedables in your store is fine, but you must have the minimum number of products of your own to qualify.
NO Clubs, Malls, or other non-store businesses period! While we can appreciate that such venues also would love to spread the holiday cheer, the purpose of the event is to provide low-priced gift items, and our smaller cap on stores prevents us from including non-merchant booths. We would be happy to have you display a sign for us however, we cannot feasibly include you in the event.
Do not market directly to SL kids. The group is mature-rated and the hunts and events have many very adult stores, thus we are not marketing the hunt or sales to SL kids and won't accept stores that are primarily marketing to them!
Be willing to display the event poster in at least one store location (we provide several options and all are low prim (LI is usually around 2 to 5). You are also more than welcome to put it in more than one location, as that only helps spread the word further about the event.
Do not sell items that infringe on IP/Trademark/Copyright. We understand that copyright laws can be very confusing, however, while we are not going to go over stores with a fine-tooth comb, we will decline applications for stores that have obvious issues with IP infringement! So how do you know if you do? Did you create the image yourself? Rugs, Wall Art, T-shirts, etc often fall into this trap. Just because the image is online doesn't mean you can use it however you want. Fair use does not allow for making money of any kind off someone else's intellectual property without having been given that right by the creator. If you paid for the image, but it was for a copy of it or a private use and not commercial use, it's not free to be used for items for sale.
Have not repeatedly without any communication failed to set up for these events. We understand that things happen. However, we ask that you communicate. If not beforehand, when you get a chance let us know what happened. It's disrespectful of the time and effort of the team to think it's no big deal and blow off the event. So starting in 2021 those who seem to not take seriously that they have committed to an event and we are working on the premises that they will set up, may find they are left out of these events. Sorry if this seems harsh, however, empty booths look bad, filling a booth last minute with another merchant is not always possible, and when they are not taken by other merchants, the team then has to scramble to decorate and fill in so that it doesn't look so bad. That is a great deal of extra work that is being done without being given the simple courtesy of a quick message or note that something has come up. This is an issue of mutual respect!
You must make a new item of comparable value to the merchandise in your store, you must make it transferable, and you must sell it for 100L. You can make as many as you like - but you MUST make at least one. The Krissmuss item can NOT be something that has been sold or given away before! This is important. No one wants to buy a gift for someone to find out they already had it later! It also MUST be priced at no more and no less than L$100. This is important, the specially marked sale items can NOT be priced other than required!
Your special sale item must be finished and out for sale by 11:59 pm SLT on the date given in the setup instructions. Rezzing will be off after this time. Anyone who has not set up at least the required sale item at this time will be removed from the event. Take note, this is 24 hours before the opening of the event. This allows us time to make any adjustments if needed by filling any booths not set up or where we can't replace them with decorations as well as provide time for the bloggers approved for the event to gain early access to take photos without crowds around.
All items must remain within your booth. We will make the event area festive and you are welcome to use some of your prims to decorate your booth as well. That said, to maintain the ability for shoppers to move around freely, all your prims must be within the provided space, not outside it. The one exception to this is the gachas that will go in a separate area altogether!
NOTE: In cases where booths include porches or other semi-outdoor areas delineated these will be included in your booth space and more details given in the setup information sent to merchants!
When accepted to the event, you MUST provide a Full Permission copy of your logo as instructed in your welcome package, any merchant who does not provide a logo by 12:01 am SLT December, 2nd will be removed from the event! The logo is required to be put on the sign for your booth. For long-time merchants, who believe we have your logo already and who have not made changes to it, you are welcome to IM Rox Arten to have it pulled from the backups from prior events.
You must remain within the allotted prim allowance for the event. Each merchant booth is allowed no more than 50 prims/LI.
You must follow any other rules of participation as they are published. We don't makeup rules for fun - but sometimes, we discover problems along the way and must work quickly to solve them. We'll need you to work quickly with us. We won't change the target mid-stream, if something comes up that must change it will be before set up. We will only use this option if we have no choice and must make an adjustment that cannot wait until the next event! However, everyone will be notified via our mailer of any important information. The mailer we use sends things ONLY if you are online.
Scripted items in booths:
(Other than vendors and gachas)
You may have 1 group joiner and/or 1 subscriber (if desired you may put one of each out)
1 landmark/notecard/gift-giving scripted item (any combination of given items can be done in one script, we highly recommend you use a script that gives all these items at once in a folder to keep them together in the recipient’s inventory and can provide one if needed).
Rezzed demo versions are allowed and nudity is fine, the event is in an adult-rated region and we do not market to SL kids so we will not limit nudity or adult items being sold.
Decorative items are welcome to have scripts in them, however, please keep scripting as low lag and reasonable as you can. We will put a great deal of time and effort into setting up and decorating the event area so if you don’t wish to add decorative items you don’t have to.
NO Temp Rezzers of any kind!
NOTE: We hope to strike a balance between functional and fun allowing the scripts for you to have demo versions and some decorations while also keeping lag as low as we can. We have an amazing group of merchants and this freedom worked well and did not end up with issues during the last few sale events. There will be more specific guidelines in the merchant packs, that should help with determining what is high script time and what is not, however, we reserve the right to ask you to remove or return anything that is causing an issue on the sim or is running with a higher script time than we indicate in the setup package.
NOTE: First allowing scripted vendors accommodates merchants who requested the ability. We’ve seen many events allowing for specialized event scripts from networked vendors. While we are aware that not all networked vendor systems have this option it is something that for those who use systems that are not huge lag producers and will not cripple HTTP calls on the region we would like to attempt to allow for.
Networked Vendors. If your networked system does not have a special event script, it will not be allowed.
Non-Networked Scripted vendors will be allowed as well provided that they are not region resource hogs.
We will include more detail on vendors and what is alright as well as how to get a system not listed in the information specifically checked for resource use to be approved or not.
NO Holo Vendors!
Single vendors ONLY! Multivendors will not be allowed!
A sign you must put out at least at your main store.
Listed on the event website, which will include your provided store slurl.
A booth, and use of 50 prims to put out your Twisted Krissmuss item(s), as well as other items you wish to add to the holiday sale.
(We ask simply that you comply with the rules and requirements, including being set up on time to keep the booth.)
An ungacha, you may place up to 2 of these in the ungacha area and they will NOT count against your 50 prim limit.
Approximately 1 week to set up from the time the event area is open to you to the time of the event deadline.
(I will also allow a week or so for cleanup and even return your items if you are too busy or don't want to bother picking them up!)