About Featured Sponsors!
There are no more than 12 featured sponsorships available for any Twisted Hunt. (It used to be nine, but SO many people wanted to participate, we had to make more room!) Featured sponsors get special consideration from the hunt organizers, in return for the special consideration they give.
Some stores have met with great success in Second Life, and we hope some of them are willing to lend the Twisted Hunt a little of their thunder, to improve things for everyone – both the other merchants in the hunt and the people who go on it.
Featured Sponsor Space is Limited.
These spots are first come, first serve.
When we have 12, we’re full.
Benefits of featured sponsorship include:
Early placement in the hunt itself – OR, pick your location.
Everyone knows that not everyone who starts a hunt finishes it – so the featured sponsors will come ahead of everyone else in the hunt, affording them as many visitors from the hunt as possible. Or, if you’d prefer to come somewhere after these first few spots in the hunt, you can indicate that preference in the sponsor application.
Sponsor store names are featured in all final hunt posters, displayed at every hunt location.
Your store’s name in any press releases or guest blog appearances.
We don’t know how many places we’ll be able to post written details for the hunt – but we’re going to post as many as we can, and your store’s name will be mentioned in them specifically.
Any other ideas about benefits we might offer featured sponsors? Let us know!
Requirements for Featured Sponsors:
To be a featured sponsor, you must:
Meet all the basic requirements for participation in the hunt.
Have Group(s) and/or Subscriber lists with a large number of names to allow you to provide good exposure for the hunt.
Be willing to display a Twisted Hunt kiosk prominently near the landing point of your main store until the hunt ends.
It won’t be large or more than 5li
Be willing to not sell the item created for the hunt until the day after the hunt ends.
You don’t have to sell it, ever – but you MUST agree not to sell it before the hunt ends.
Be willing to post the official release notice (and maybe some unofficial cheering) on your store’s blog or website, if you have one.
Be willing to announce the hunt a few times to your store update group, subscriber group, etc. — anywhere you can.
Why ask so much?
Because we all know that driving quality traffic in SL can be like trying to herd cats – and that the promise of great, exclusive freebies from high-profile designers is bound to draw attention. And, we hope that you – like us – love the Twisted Hunt and the audience it serves, and want to see it succeed.
Note: The requirements above are based on exposure – a merchant’s ability to attract many shoppers to the hunt. Since removing traffic from the above list we've chosen subscribers and/or group members as the alternative metric to provide a gauge of promotional power. If you have a unique market segment that could also be taken into consideration! If you have an idea of other ways you can do this, feel free to let us know – we may be willing to work with you on the subscriber/group member requirements if you have something else just as good. :)
If you want to be a featured sponsor, there is a section in the merchant application to indicate this.