Have a store with at least 25 unique items(Outfits in 10 colors will count as 1 item, not 10) Please note, that we do make exceptions for first-time merchants who we feel are a good fit for Twisted, and who we believe will be able to have the minimum number of items by the end of the next 6 months.
Have a store with a landing point no more than 15 meters from the front door if not inside the store. (This means if your store is in a mall with a forced landing point and you can not have hunters land within 15 meters of the door we can not accept you for the hunt). NOTE: If you move after being accepted you will be responsible for ensuring that the landing point is not forced away from your store. We make the landmarks where we land, just before packing the hunt cubes, we will have to skip any location that then is no longer in compliance with this rule at that time!
Are not primarily resellers of other people’s stuff or breedable. (the majority of your items must be your creations), the use of purchased sculpties and meshes is fine, (provided they are not ripped content)
This also includes stores that sell art taken from the internet or dancers and/or gestures that use copyrighted music clips from RL. etc.
When we say breedables this only means resellers, we are happy to accept the actual breedable creators if they are willing to provide a gift for our hunters!
NO Clubs, Malls, Markets, or other non-merchants period!
Do not market directly to SL kids. Twisted is not intended for kids, and typically has several locations that specifically do not allow child avatars!
Be willing to display the hunt poster in at least one store location (These range from 1 to 3 LI)
Be willing to give away at least one ORIGINAL item as a hunt prize that is comparable in value to the average items sold in your store.
Have items that are on par with current standards. Clothing and furniture items should have shading not just a texture slapped on the mesh in world and you should have modern, well-crafted product advertisements if you use images on vendors to sell items. We all started somewhere, however, Twisted has made a name for itself by having high-quality merchants who provide high-quality gifts. This reputation is important for the longevity of what we do!